latest news


We have reached the middle of the Great Lent.

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Sunday School song competitions to be held on April 10

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other information

When additional information is available, it will be updated here.

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gregorian gazette

(This is the Monthly Newsletter of our church)


Please click here for the latest copy (2011 April)

And please click here for the archives of prior copies.

some sermons

Sunday Sermon on 2010-Dec-26 by H.G.Alexios Mor Eusebius (Diocesan Metropolitan)

Based on Gospel reading: St. Matthew 2:9-15, 19:23

Theme of the Sermon: In the same way that God led the wise men, He leads us everyday - It is up to us to follow His lead.


Sunday Sermon on 2010-Nov-21 by Rev. Fr. V,M.Shibu


Sunday Sermon on 2010-Nov-14 by Rev. Dn. Abey George

Based on Gospel reading: St. Luke 1:5-25

Theme of the Sermon: God's Timing - God has a particular time in where he intervenes in our life, which often times interferes with man's time.


some photos